About Me
- Professionals
- I have created this blog to show professionals of all ages that there are certian ways that you need to act, dress, and present yourself when in a professional setting. Too often I come across people that are supposed to be "professional" and I would NEVER hire them to work for me. I just want to make people aware of what I see, hear, and give tips to polish these professionals up so they can be success on their career path. Merriam-Webster defines professionalism as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person Professional-characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
DO NOT use Ebonics or "ABBREVS"!
People! You do not only have to keep it professional in the workplace but everywhere you go. You have to brand yourself and keep a professional image. You cannot go out to the bars on the weekends and be on the bar top dancing and taking shots…it only takes a few seconds for pictures like that to reach the internet and your company getting a hold of them. Not to mention the way you talk to people or give a presentation. I recently sat through a presentation (supposed to be professional) where the presenters were talking in slang like referring to people as “that dude” and using words like “dat, dem, ain’t” and the list goes on. That is not acceptable in any fashion work or play. Your company will not take you seriously if you cannot take the time to eliminate slang from your vocabulary to use proper words and be able to annunciate them correctly. Nothing sounds worse than talking to your boss or potential clients and you are not able to say words in correct dialect and you use abbreviations for EVERYTHING! I have also met a lady who works for a very prestige medical facility and everything out of her mouth was “OMG”, “IDK”, “LOL”…these again are not an appropriate way to communicate with others. It is very childish, unintelligent, and just plain dumb sounding.
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