About Me

I have created this blog to show professionals of all ages that there are certian ways that you need to act, dress, and present yourself when in a professional setting. Too often I come across people that are supposed to be "professional" and I would NEVER hire them to work for me. I just want to make people aware of what I see, hear, and give tips to polish these professionals up so they can be success on their career path. Merriam-Webster defines professionalism as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person Professional-characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What I see at work....

I see some very disturbing things that should not be happening in a professional setting. Why do people not understand that business casual dress does not mean wearing your club clothes to work, just because they are not jeans still does not make this ok. Or what about the people that come in like they just rolled out of bed, hair not fixed, make up all over the place, and wrinkley clothes?? Does this give the impression that you are a professional and should be taken seriously? ABSOLUTELY NOT! In your company you have to brand yourself and make yourself known (in a good light) if you want to succeed and potentially move up. I seriously believe that I could take the name out of the emails we all get "The People from Wal-Mart" and insert my company's name. If you pants are falling off you butt, obviously they are too big, if your cleavage is noticeable, it is not cute and makes you look very unprofessional.

PLEASE people beware that how you dress gives people the impression of what kind of employee or worker you are. So take pride in how you look!

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